Since the start of the pandemic, camming profiles have increased by almost 40%. With the nation suddenly thrust into lock down and many losing their jobs, many women ventured into camming and becoming a webcam model – a profitable career in these unprecedented times! Even viewing cam shows has become way more popular since Coronavirus started.
Over the last 18 months, people have not had basic human connection and we’ve all somewhat craved affection in this time. For many, camming during lock down was an outlet. A way to connect with other people. But it also helped to give those producing content a routine and a steady income. At Off The Record Models, we thought we’d share the story of one of our cam girls, Sophia. On why she became a webcam model during COVID and why she doesn’t want to go back to 9-5.
Like many others, my hours were cut dramatically during the pandemic. Although I liked my job, the money decreased significantly and suddenly, my new income was just enough to cover my rent, let alone my food and bills. I began to panic because I had no reassurance that my job was even safe at this point. I searched for other jobs, but of course, in the middle of a global pandemic, there wasn’t a lot available. Although my hours had been cut, my job was still very demanding and I really wanted something that could boost my income, without having to work all the hours under the sun. I was also very conscious of the fact that I didn’t want to get or spread the virus, so I was set on working from home.
For a couple of weeks, I managed to scrape by. I sold some things online to make extra money and one evening, I came across the OTR website whilst looking for jobs. Before the pandemic, I never considered being a webcam model or even camming as work I could see myself doing. I read over the specifics of what the role would entail and thought, this could actually be exactly what I’m looking for – flexible work on my terms and a very good income, even for minimal hours. Off The Record were so helpful when I messaged them, as experienced cam girls themselves, I felt like I was in safe hands and they gave me all the information I needed to make my decision.
First Time Webcam Model
I had a friend who had been camming whilst we were at university and I remembered her saying how well she got paid, but you had to be committed to your career. I messaged her and she gave me some really helpful tips for content and the best times to cam. I bought a high-quality mic, cam and used the laptop I already had. The first time I cammed, I made £40, which I was so pleased with. I dressed nicely and spoke to two guys about their interests for no more than half an hour. I then left with quadruple the hourly rate of my other job. I was shocked. Imagine if I branched out and started going online for longer?
Camming is a Career
I’ve since learnt that to get the big bucks, you can’t see camming as a quick fix. If you want to be successful in the industry, you must keep ahead of trends. As well as offer the content people want to see. You’ve got to be committed to make it work as well; as a result of COVID, the industry is busier than ever before, so competition is at large. Being a webcam model is such a liberating career and after a couple of months, I quit my other job because I was earning so much more money from camming, in a fraction of the time. Being your own boss is fantastic, but you do have to be disciplined to see results. Plan your shows and invest in good equipment to see you through to success!
Get in Touch
If you’re looking to start an exciting, new career, then Off The Record Models can help you. As industry experts, we’ve helped thousands of women on their way to success. Contact our friendly team today, we’d love to hear from you! Or find us on instagram.