How I got into the industry?
In early 2015, Nuala was my landlady at the time and convinced me to give cam a go. I loved it from day one! It was so liberating; I suddenly had the freedom to enjoy my life and the money to buy whatever I wanted. My first big purchase was a pair of ‘So Kate’ black patent Louboutins. The day I bought those was a huge ‘I’ve made it’ moment’!
Fast forward to August 2017 and I founded Off The Record Models. My personal experiences have not only shaped me, they’ve shaped OTR. Into the honest, safe and supportive agency it is today. Made by cam girls, FOR cam girls. Whether it’s a helping start, or a long term partnership, I’ll be with you every step of the way. I’ve been where you are, so I get it!
It’s easy to focus on the flexibility and money cam offers. Until you experience the exploitation, that’s so common in the adult industry. Too often do we see misogynistic men and hateful women running agencies.
Click here to find out exactly what led me to create OTR.
My role in OTR
As you’d expect from any founder OTR is my baby. I oversee everything besides payments (numbers aren’t my thing, that’s all Nath).
I’ll be the first person you speak to answering any questions and welcoming you into our incredible community. Alongside your mentors, Nuala, Emma, Lisa and Vivian, I’ll always be on hand to help and support you.
I’ve experienced all the low’s webcam can offer either first hand or since running OTR, so you don’t have to. Supporting women, positively enhance their lives is amazing and I’m exceptionally proud of what we’ve achieved. I believe an agency owner should be seen and always available which is the exact reason I’ll always have an active role in OTR.
A bit about me
I’m in my 40’s with 3 kids under 6, 2 Italian Greyhounds, 1 Spaniel and 1 fabulous husband who is 8.5 years younger than me! I’ve a love for Georgian renovations and I’m a self-confessed Rightmove addict. I’m a psoriasis sufferer, a handbag lover and I’ve had more jobs than you can shake a stick at.
I’ve been an estate agent, IT recruitment, sold beer, sold hair care products, been cabin crew, ran marketing for night clubs and been a PT! I’m a big believer in positive thinking, vision boards and making the most out of life.
My father-in-law would call me spontaneous (I’m not sure if it’s a good or bad thing?)
Two truths and a lie:
I’m an ex Iirish dancer
I’ve lived in Singapore
I’ve snogged Ronan Keating
Why I started OTR?
( Our team )
Start your career with OTR