

How I got into the industry?

I decided to join the camming industry on a bit of a whim in April 2019. It’s something I’d always been intrigued by and I wanted to know if the hype and earning potential was true. I saw an article in a magazine about an OTR model and decided to apply, unsure if it was something I’d actually follow through with. I was SO nervous but also totally blown away by the support and the encouragement OTR offered, and I absolutely loved it. Within 5 months of just giving it a go, I dropped my hours at my day job to go part time on cam. Within 2 months of that, I was a full time cam girl! It’s completely changed my life in so many great ways… I have cleared all my debt, bought myself a car, moved into a home by myself for the first time ever, and my confidence has come leaps and bounds.. to name a few!

My role in OTR

Other than still being a full time cam girl, I mentor new models alongside Becky and Nuala. It can be very daunting going into this industry, so I’m here to hold your hand and give you all the guidance, support, knowledge and encouragement you need to get you started and help you get the most out of camming.

A bit about me

I’m a bit of a hippy in the sense I’m very spiritual (my house is full of crystals and vision boards) and I’m a big believer in the Law of Attraction. Absolute dog lover. Life and soul of the party but won’t say no to a lazy day with Netflix and a takeaway. I’m the kind of person that will have more cheese on their plate than pasta. Secretly good at building furniture.

Two truths and a lie:

Harry Styles follows me on Twitter.
I was in an episode of the Inbetweeners.
I’ve met Justin Bieber.

Start your career with OTR